Monday, October 29, 2007

Fun Fact... Take Note

Coconut milk can be used as an antiseptic.

The lion used in the original MGM movie logo killed its trainer and two assistants the day after the logo was filmed.

Adolf Hitler had a twin brother who died at birth.

The interior of the Australian continent is sinking at a rate of 3 cm per year.

Ducks can't digest rye bread.

General George Patton was an accomplished taxidermist who contributed a variety of specimens to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Each year, more divers are injured by giant clams than by sharks.

In 1982, a gorilla in a Syrian zoo held a zookeeper captive for eight days. The victim, who was not physically harmed, developed Stockholm syndrome.

When resources are plentiful, army ants capture members of smaller ant species and keep them as pets.

The atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki wiped out a rare species of pigeon found nowhere else in the world.

Chihuahuas, when placed under extreme stress, have been known to eat their young.

Ear wax and orange peel contain equal amounts of Vitamin C.

The word "Taiwanese" means "suckled by goats."

Grizzly bears have remarkably stretchy bladders - they can go for up to three weeks without urinating.

Much of American Sign Language was invented by a one-armed man.

When concentrated, pine tree sap is more toxic than arsenic.

During mating season, the testicles of some fruit bats become so swollen that flight becomes impossible.

The silver star badge made popular by lawmen of the Old West was originally worn by disgraced samurai warriors.

Julius Caesar had twelve toes.

The ancient Greeks invented synchronized swimming.

Alligator skin is not affected by microwave radiation.

Tortillas were invented by the Polynesians.

Cream cheese can be used to treat migraines.

Field mice always sleep facing the northwest.

The terra cotta army unearthed in Xian, China, contains a sculpture of a male soldier with large, round breasts.

Chickens will not walk on ice.

The Sumerians invented root beer.

Fleas mate for life.

Coal miners have an increased probability of fathering twins.

The first pornographic film was created by Thomas Edison's assistant.

The Praying mantis is the only insect that can stand on one leg.

An ounce of pickled ginger can temporarily raise your IQ by as many as 10 points.

In Ireland, it's illegal to lie to your parents.

The word "dictionary" was not included in the first dictionary.

The first duct (or 'duck') tape, created for the U.S. military during World War II, could be boiled and eaten as an emergency ration.

According to a recent survey, adult bedwetting is more common among Republicans than Democrats.

Dromedary camels can walk a perfectly straight line for hundreds of miles with their eyes closed.

Albert Einstein could never remember his own phone number.

Cuttlefish are chronic masturbators. They only ever stop to eat, or, if they still have the energy, to mate.

Men who part their hair on the right side tend to live longer than men who part their hair on the left.

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