Wednesday, February 13, 2008

lunar day 7

hello... today is lunar day 7 it some special day wo...
you know what it everybody birthday...
so may i greet everyone HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
it a day where everyone get one year older... haha...
so i am officially 25 years old lo... sob sob...
getting older and older each year lo...

anyway lecture today suck la... the lecturer so ma fan de...
wanna us to go up to the white board and answer his question de...
to be frankly speaking i shouldnt be the one going up de lo...
you guys huh... should know who you are lo... haiz...
bullies lo... haha you guys own me one GET OUT OF HELL CARD each lo...

anway the lecturer started out by calling group by group but seem like out 0f 10 name only 1 person reply. and the lecture hall was almost full lo. not very convincing right. haha. somebody also kana but claim that the surname was wrong lo, right MISS TAN or should i call you MISS TAY. haha.

but really la... can the lecturer dont so ma fan can just continue with the lecture lo... if not i might consider giving her lecture a miss lo.

anyway some scary paper is coming up next week lo. the COMMERCIAL LAW paper lei, i dont even know how to start lo. first time i seem so lost lo. think i gotta to stay out almost everyday to study lo, cos at home too much distraction le. can somebody please help me. i think i am at the bottom of the hell pit lo.

hmm enuf of the updating lo, gotta get back to my games, dramas, musics and studies lo. ciao amigo.

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